lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

Susie Wolff se prepara para debutar en Silverstone: "Estoy muy emocionada"


La joven piloto escocesa estará al volante del Williams FW36 durante la primera sesión de entrenamientos libres del GP de Gran Bretaña.

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sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

Google Gesture App Translates Sign Language Into Spoken Language


A new app in development could help people understand sign language in real time.

Students at Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm, Sweden are working with Google to build an app that can translate sign language into speech. The team won an award at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity for their work.

The app — called Google Gesture — is paired with a band worn on the forearm that analyzes muscle movements made when signing — a process known as electromyography. These movements are then sent to the app, which translates them into audible words as they are signed.

More about Apps, Google Translate, Tech, Apps Software, and Gadgets

via Mashable